All products including load cells and weighing instrumentation are exclusively developed and manufactured by Eilersen in Denmark. The development is based on many years of experience, high quality standards and innovative ideas, which makes Eilersen the market leader for digital weighing technology.

Eilersen weighing solutions minimize the need for service; our solutions are not designed to “feed” a service organization. Instead, we offer real benefits through our patented capacitive weighing technology.

Digital Load Cells

Made in Denmark - Trusted worldwide

Eilersen offers a range of high quality digital load cells covering all industrial applications. Eilersen stainless steel load cells tolerate up to 10 times overload and are available in OIML and ATEX versions.

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Interface Modules

Flexible and easy to use

The broad range of configurable load cell interface modules with direct fieldbus connectivity or analog output feature a small form factor, plug-and-play installation, integrated diagnostics and ATEX certified versions.

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Weighing Terminals

Optimal weighing performance

The outstanding connectivity of the Eilersen range of OIML certified digital weighing terminals in fieldbus and PC based networks, is based on a variety of interface modules and application software.

The weighing controllers are equipped with software for standard weighing applications - optionally OEM versions with customized firmware and software can be developed by the Eilersen in-house team of engineers.

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Robust and accurate scales with flexible interfaces

Eilersen offers a unique range of industrial, ATEX and hygienic scales in stainless steel for the industry. The scales are supplied with local indication and/or direct connectivity to PC, PLCs and SCADA systems.

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50+ years
of experience

10+ % R&D

10+ Worldwide



high quality


customers worldwide